The St. Louis Literary Review

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What I Carry

Title: What I Carry

Author: Jennifer Longo

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo is a profoundly moving novel that delves into the emotional landscape of the foster care system through the eyes of its protagonist, Muiriel. Longo's writing is both heartfelt and insightful, masterfully weaving a narrative that is as much about self-discovery as it is about finding a place to belong.

The story follows Muiriel, a seventeen-year-old who has spent her life in the foster care system. As she approaches her eighteenth birthday and the prospect of aging out of the system, Muiriel is determined to remain unattached, carrying only what fits in her backpack. Longo skillfully portrays Muiriel’s journey, capturing the complexities of her emotions and experiences with sensitivity and authenticity. The character’s development is one of the book's strongest points, as Muiriel evolves from a guarded, independent individual to someone more open to the vulnerabilities and joys of connections.

Longo's narrative is particularly effective in highlighting the transient nature of life in foster care. The constant changes and uncertainties faced by Muiriel are depicted with poignant clarity, making the reader deeply empathize with her struggles. The author doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of the system but also shows moments of kindness and love that can be found within it.

Supporting characters, like Francine, Muiriel’s last foster mother, are well-developed and add depth to the story. Their interactions with Muiriel provide a nuanced look at the different ways people can impact one another’s lives.

What I Carry is not just a story about foster care; it's a universal tale of resilience, hope, and the search for identity. Longo's eloquent prose and compelling characters make it a must-read, offering a window into a world that is often overlooked. This novel is an impactful and eye-opening read, perfect for those seeking a story that is both emotionally resonant and thought-provoking.

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