The St. Louis Literary Review

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We Deserve Monuments

Title: We Deserve Monuments

Author: Jas Hammonds

"We Deserve Monuments" by Jas Hammonds is an impactful debut novel that deftly explores themes of race, sexuality, and the weight of history on personal identity. Set in the small town of Bardell, Georgia, the story follows Avery Anderson, a 17-year-old who relocates from Washington D.C. with her family to care for her ailing grandmother. As Avery navigates her new environment, she uncovers deeply buried family secrets and the town's unsettling history, challenging her understanding of love, loyalty, and belonging.

Hammonds crafts a narrative that is both compelling and poignant, blending elements of mystery and romance with a keen social commentary. The exploration of LGBTQ+ themes is handled with sensitivity and nuance, providing a layered portrayal of Avery's journey toward self-acceptance and love. The book's exploration of racial tensions and historical injustices adds a profound depth, making it not only a story about individual growth but also about the collective need for recognition and healing.

The author's ability to create vivid, multifaceted characters is remarkable. Avery's voice is authentic and relatable, making her internal conflicts and emotional growth resonate with the reader. The supporting characters are equally well-developed, each adding complexity to the narrative and highlighting different aspects of the human experience.

"We Deserve Monuments" is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It is a reminder of the importance of confronting our past, both personal and collective, to forge a more inclusive and compassionate future. Jas Hammonds has delivered a memorable novel that is sure to spark conversation and reflection, making it a must-read for those who appreciate stories that delve into the heart of what it means to find oneself and fight for what is right.

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