Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships

Title: Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships

Author: Sarah Grunder Ruiz

"Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships" by Sarah Grunder Ruiz is a charming and heartwarming novel that skillfully blends romance, personal growth, and the magic of seizing the moment. The story revolves around Jo Walker, a character who is both relatable and inspiring. Jo, a yacht stewardess, is determined to live life to the fullest, creating a thirty-item list of things to do before her thirtieth birthday. However, this isn't just a frivolous set of goals; it's a deeply personal journey that stems from a family tragedy, adding a layer of poignancy to her adventures.

Ruiz's writing style is engaging and fluid, making it easy for readers to get lost in Jo's world. The yacht setting provides a unique backdrop, filled with vivid descriptions that transport readers to luxurious destinations. The novel does an excellent job of balancing lighthearted moments with deeper emotional themes, making the story feel both fun and substantial.

The romance aspect of the novel is delightfully developed. The chemistry between Jo and Alex, the charming chef, is palpable, and their relationship evolves in a way that feels natural and heartening. Ruiz avoids the trap of cliché, giving depth to both characters and allowing their romance to be a part of Jo's journey, rather than its entirety.

Supporting characters, like Jo's sister and the yacht crew, add humor and heart to the story. They are well-rounded and contribute significantly to the plot and Jo's growth.

Ruiz also addresses themes of grief, family, and the importance of living in the moment, making the novel more than just a romantic escapade. It's a reminder of how unpredictable life can be and the importance of making every moment count.

In conclusion, "Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships" is a delightful read that offers escapism, emotional depth, and a heartwarming reminder of life's endless possibilities. It's perfect for readers who enjoy contemporary romance with a meaningful narrative.


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