
Title: Him

Author: Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy

"Him" by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy is a compelling, heartwarming romance that masterfully captures the complexities of rediscovering a friendship and exploring new love. The novel is set against the backdrop of college hockey, where Jamie Canning and Ryan Wesley, former best friends and teammates, reunite after a misunderstanding that kept them apart for years. The story is told from alternating points of view, allowing readers to delve deeply into the emotions and thoughts of both characters.

What makes "Him" stand out is its authentic portrayal of the characters' journey. Jamie and Wes's relationship evolves beautifully from friendship to love, with a realistic mix of awkwardness, tension, and undeniable chemistry. The authors handle the themes of sexual identity and coming out with sensitivity and grace, avoiding cliches and offering a fresh perspective on the genre. Their exploration of the characters' internal struggles and fears adds depth to the narrative, making the characters relatable and their romance even more poignant.

Bowen and Kennedy's writing style is fluid and engaging, with a perfect balance of humor, heat, and heart. The hockey backdrop adds an exciting layer to the story, providing a dynamic setting that enhances the plot and character development. The sports elements are well-researched, offering insight into the world of collegiate athletics without overshadowing the romance.

Overall, "Him" is a standout novel in the M/M romance genre. It's a story of forgiveness, acceptance, and the courage to follow one's heart. The authors have created a memorable and touching tale that resonates with readers long after the final page is turned. Whether you're a fan of sports romances or looking for a beautifully crafted love story, "Him" is a must-read.

By Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy
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