First Lie Wins

Title: First Lie Wins

Author: Ashely Elston

"First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston is a masterful concoction of suspense and intrigue, marking an impressive foray into adult fiction for an author previously known for her young adult novels. This book wraps its tendrils around readers from the get-go, presenting a narrative rife with clever twists and a plot that defies predictability.

Central to the story is Evie Porter, a character living a seemingly idyllic life with a loving boyfriend and a perfect home, yet Evie's existence is a meticulously crafted facade. The real Evie, or Lucca, is embroiled in a con, targeting Ryan Sumner for reasons that unravel as the story progresses. The novel excels in its ability to keep readers guessing, weaving a complex web of deceit where each revelation only adds layers to the mystery.

Elston's narrative is a ballet of past and present, where flashback chapters enrich the storyline, offering glimpses into Evie's true nature and her complex undertakings. While some may argue these interludes occasionally slow the momentum, they are crucial for depth and context, painting a fuller picture of the protagonist's life and her high-stakes game of deceit.

The character of Evie Porter is a highlight, a multifaceted persona that readers will find themselves rooting for, despite the murky moral waters she navigates. The novel's pacing is generally on point, with a prose that flows effortlessly, making for an addictive read. The ending is particularly commendable, delivering a satisfying closure that ties up loose ends without sacrificing the story's inherent tension and intrigue.

"First Lie Wins" is not just a thriller; it's a psychological deep dive into identity, deception, and the lengths one will go to for survival. Elston's debut in the adult genre is a resounding success, promising a thrilling ride for enthusiasts of the genre and setting a high bar for thrillers in the year ahead.


The Keeper of Hidden Books

