The St. Louis Literary Review

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Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

Title: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

Author: Peter Attia, MD

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia MD is an engaging exploration of the multifaceted realm of human longevity. Attia, known for his expertise in the field of health and longevity, provides a comprehensive yet accessible dive into the science and practical aspects of extending human life.

The book's strength lies in its balanced approach. Attia combines scientific rigor with practical advice, making complex topics digestible for a broad audience. He addresses various factors that influence longevity, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, grounding each topic in current research. This evidence-based approach lends credibility to his suggestions, distinguishing the book from other health and wellness guides that may rely more on anecdotal evidence.

One of the most compelling aspects of Outlive is Attia's willingness to explore both the biological and psychological components of aging. He does not just focus on increasing lifespan but also emphasizes the importance of healthspan – the period of life spent in good health. His holistic approach to longevity is refreshing and aligns well with contemporary understandings of wellness.

However, some readers might find the scientific sections dense, particularly those unfamiliar with medical terminology. While Attia makes an effort to explain complex concepts, the depth and detail can be overwhelming at times. Additionally, the book could benefit from more diverse perspectives on aging, as the focus is predominantly on Western scientific research.

In summary, Outlive is a thought-provoking and well-researched book that offers valuable insights into the science of longevity. It's a recommended read for anyone interested in understanding the myriad factors that contribute to living a longer, healthier life.

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